《四祖寺》 赵嘏

赵嘏 , 字承佑, 楚州山阳(今江苏省淮安市楚州区)人, 约生于宪宗元和元年(806). 年轻时四处游历, 大和七年预省试进士下第, 留寓长安多年, 出入豪门以干功名, 其间似曾远去岭表当了几年幕府。 后回江东, 家于润州(今镇江). 会昌四年进士及第, 一年后东归。 会昌末或大中初复往长安, 入仕为渭南尉。 约宣宗大中六、七年(852、853)卒于任上。 存诗二百多首, 其中七律、七绝最多且较出色。
《四祖寺》赵嘏 翻译、赏析和诗意
Poem Translation:
Temple of the Fourth Patriarch
Beneath a thousand pine trees rests the temple,
Before a single lamp, my body stretches for a thousand miles.
Unable to conquer my monkey mind,
The patriarch, fundamentally, is but an ordinary person.
"Temple of the Fourth Patriarch" is a poem written by Tang Dynasty poet Zhao Gu. This poem depicts the scenery of the temple and expresses the poet's contemplation on his own dilemma and understanding of Buddhism.
The poem describes the temple with its dense pine trees and towering twin peaks. The phrase "Beneath a thousand pine trees rests the temple" not only describes the scenery but also implies the purity and solemnity of Buddhist teachings.
Next, the poet mentions his own presence in this scenery, lit only by a single lamp. The line "Before a single lamp, my body stretches for a thousand miles" places the poet's identity in a silent and lonely environment, incorporating the meaning of practice and enlightenment in Zen Buddhism. The dim light and endless shadows create a sense of loneliness, confusion, and contemplation.
Furthermore, the poet reveals his inability to control and follow his own mind, describing it as a "monkey mind." The line "Unable to conquer my monkey mind" expresses the poet's confusion and pain over the fluctuations and uncontrollable nature of his inner self. At the same time, it reflects the author's reflection on his unsatisfactory state of practice.
Finally, the poet mentions that the Fourth Patriarch is a genuine person in the world, affirming the truth of Buddhist teachings. The line "The patriarch, fundamentally, is but an ordinary person" serves as both an affirmation of Buddhist teachings and encouragement and warning for Buddhist practitioners.
The poem combines the description of the scenery with the poet's inner state, expressing his pursuit and contemplation of Buddhist teachings. It reflects the themes and characteristics of Buddhist culture during the Tang Dynasty.
《四祖寺》赵嘏 拼音读音参考
sì zǔ sì
qiān zhū sōng xià shuāng fēng sì, yī zhǎn dēng qián wàn lǐ shēn.
zì wèi xīn yuán bù tiáo fú, zǔ shī yuán shì shì jiān rén.