《句》 释赞宁

宋代   释赞宁

《句》释赞宁 翻译、赏析和诗意

句(An Image in Verse)



Four orifices shall be selected, defrayed, munched,
In a color either elusive or expressive.
Rumors, slanderous, speak against the margins,
While malevolent guests lurk behind the gates.

Reminisce past moments of brilliance,
A vigilant predilection for silver would not exist.
Ill deeds extant from all four seas,
Eluding the gaze of sages, impossible.

Poetic Analysis:
The poem "句" (An Image in Verse) is composed by the poet Shi Zanning during the Song Dynasty. The poem presents a reflective, philosophical contemplation on the futility of secretive measures against deception.

The poet questions the efficacy of relying on excessive precautions to prevent deceit, highlighting the paradox inherent in both transparency and opacity. The poem explores the futile attempt to discern between truth and falsehood and the pervasive nature of deception in society. It implies that deception exists not only externally but also internally, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness.

The central theme underlying this poem is the folly of attempting to control untruths in society, as the poet suggests these falsehoods are as inevitable as day and night. The imagery evoked by the poem is a powerful call to action, reminding the reader of the prevalence of deceit and the necessity of avoiding complacency.

The poet contrasts the present state of affairs with a seemingly idealized past, where wise individuals were so wise that they would not even think of protecting themselves from deceit. However, the phrase "坏事盈四海,无逃圣人眼" (Ill deeds extant from all four seas, eluding the gaze of sages, impossible) reveals the reality that deception exists everywhere, beyond even the insight of wise men.

Overall, the poem serves as a reminder of the universal and insidious nature of deceit, highlighting the necessity for constant vigilance within oneself and society. It encourages readers to resist complacency and remain aware of the potential for deception even in the most seemingly transparent environments.

* 此内容来自古诗词爱好者,仅供参考

《句》释赞宁 拼音读音参考

hé yòng mì fáng jiān.



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